Scientific research is a systematic study of solving a problem, and it is very challenging to conduct. It requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter and planning. Proper research involves the collection and analysis of all the relevant information to a topic. However, as I said earlier, conducting such research is very challenging. What makes this so challenging? Putting it in a straighter way, it is the barriers in research that make this challenging. Not even they make it challenging; such barriers can also ruin all your efforts in selecting the topic, etc.  

Now, you must be thinking about what those research barriers are. Worry not because today’s article is all about explaining all the 10 barriers in detail. So, let’s get started with today’s discussion by answering the following question.

What Does It Mean By Barriers In Research?

The word “barrier” here explains the meaning of the whole term pretty good. Barriers to research are the factors that hinder the process of research and do not let the researchers conduct effective research. Such barriers can be of many types, like the individual, institutional, or supervisor barriers. Such hindrances in conducting effective research can ruin all the efforts that you have done before.

Top 10 Barriers In Research – A Brief Explanation Of All

From the discussion above, you now have a good idea of the meaning of barriers in research. You also know the types of barriers that can actually create problems for you. However, you still do not know what those barriers are. Hence, a brief description of the top 10 research barriers is as follows:

Lack Of Time To Do The Research

The first barrier to researching a topic is the lack of time. In today’s busy world, everyone is busy performing particular roles. So, a lack of time or conflict of time in those roles and research is a big barrier to conducting effective research. For example, as a PhD student, you have a family to look after. In this case, time to research the research topic is an absolute barrier that can ruin all your academic efforts. Therefore, you must manage your time effectively. If you can’t then getting PhD dissertation help can be a solution for this purpose.

Unclear Research Goals And Aims

A huge barrier to research is diving into this process without clear goals and aims in mind. Not knowing what you want to achieve through your research is a huge loss to you and all your academic efforts. Therefore, to make the research process an effective one, you must remove this barrier and be clear about your research objectives. For this, start by defining the research questions and research problem first.

Inadequate Knowledge Of Methodologies

As a student who is working on his final year project, you must have adequate knowledge of the research methodologies. The reason is that not knowing those methodologies can ruin all your academic efforts. You will not be able to research the topic properly and come up with concrete arguments and facts to back your research problem. Hence, having inadequate knowledge of research methodologies is another barrier to effective research.

Inadequate Research Skills

More than 80% of student researchers agree that inadequate research skills are a potential barrier to research (Dadipoor, Ramezankhani, Aghamolaei & Safari-Moradabadi, 2019). This barrier is one of the individual barriers in research that do not let students conduct effective research. Students do not know how to make proper use of the keywords and exploit the internet to get the most out of it.

Social Responsibilities Of Students

In a research study, about 72% of students agreed that their social responsibilities are also a barrier to conducting effective research. The need to participate in different social initiatives and take part in societal works is truly a barrier to research. Some social responsibilities identified in the above-mentioned study, which are also barriers to research, are volunteering, blood donation, and working at a food bank.

Limited Access To Facilities

For research to be conducted effectively, having access to all the required facilities is important. The reason is that the researcher cannot work on the problem without proper sources and access to the research facilities. Therefore, the labs of the research institutes must be well equipped and contain state-of-the-art equipment to answer the research questions.

Limited Access To Information

You may know that not every piece of information on the internet is available for free. You have to take subscriptions to the journals to study the premium content on different topics. This limited access to information sources is also one of the barriers in research that most researchers face. As per a research study, more than 98% of researchers face this barrier. Therefore, most of them tend to hire the best dissertation writers.

Inadequate Research Funding

Conducting effective research without funding and adequate funding is impossible. The reason is that sometimes as a researcher, you are short on resources. You may need to build the instruments required in the research process first. So, in such cases, having a lot of funding is crucial to the research process. Sadly, the lack of funds is another top barrier to research.

Obligation To Follow A Strict Deadline

Research studies often follow a very strict deadline. This deadline either comes from the university or the funding agency sponsoring the research project. Such deadlines are potential barriers in research which hinder the research process and compel the researcher to leave the work incomplete.

High Publishing Fee

Lastly, the high publishing charges set by the journals are another barrier to research. Sometimes, the researchers spend years and years researching a topic. In the end, not being able to publish the research due to very high publishing charges is problematic for researchers and acts as a potential to research.


Conclusively, research generates, develops, and systematically actualises the ideas. However, the barriers in research are now so much that not being aware of them can ruin all your efforts. So, ensure that you go through all the barriers mentioned above and take necessary actions to eliminate them.