7 Great Cat Grooming Tips

You know that furry friends love grooming themselves if you own a cat. Cats spend a lot of time licking their fur. You might not see the need to groom your pet after spending all that time taking care of their hair. However, there are some grooming procedures you should practice on your cat’s skin, fur, and teeth for them to remain clean and neat.

Regular brushing, nail clipping, and cleaning will contribute significantly to your cat’s long-term health. Grooming can even strengthen the bond between you and your pet.

The following tips will direct you on the grooming practices you should incorporate into your cat’s routine.

1. Start Grooming Your Cat from an Early Age

A great time to start grooming your cat should be when it is still a kitten. Since kittens are used to being cared for by their mothers, it makes them receptive to grooming by humans. When grooming your pet, make sure the process is as enjoyable as possible. Be gentle and friendly.

It may be challenging to start grooming an older cat because they may not enjoy the human touch and attention. If you start grooming your cat, introduce the products, tools, and techniques slowly to avoid discomfort. After some time, the cat will get used to and look forward to more grooming moments.

2. Keep the Litter Boxes Clean

Cats are naturally clean, and they love staying in a clean environment. Hence, ensure that your pet’s litter boxes remain neat and strategically placed. Empty the cat litter box and clean it periodically to encourage the cat to use it.

While emptying the litter box, you’ll notice any urinary or digestive problems the cat may be experiencing. Contact the vet immediately if you discover bloodstains on your cat’s urine or stool.

3. Set Some Time Aside for Play before Bathing the Cat

Cats don’t love water, including bathing. Although cats love self-grooming, they don’t require bathing regularly. However, there are occasions when they might need a good scrub.

If you want to wash your cat with little or no fuss, do it when they are tired. Ensure to play with your cat before bath time to make them tired and have less energy. If you plan to trim the pet’s claws, do so before bath time to keep you safe from scratches.

4. Always Use Cat Shampoo

While bathing your pet, use a cat shampoo and lukewarm water to clean the fur. Cat shampoos are best for the pet because they are great for sensitive skin.

While applying the shampoo, start from the head, moving to the tail. Also, check that the shampoo doesn’t get into the cat’s eyes. Make sure to thoroughly rinse out all the shampoo. Use a wet cloth without soap to clean the pet’s face.

5. Brush the Cat Once a Week (At Least)

Brushing your pet’s fur will make it remain shiny and healthy. Ensure to brush once or twice every week to remove dead tissues and dirt for healthy skin and coat. If your cat has longer hair, you should brush it twice each week to prevent tangling. Regular brushing of your pet’s fur removes excess hair and helps prevent the build-up of hairballs.

6. Get Appropriate Grooming Tools

If your cat has short hair, use a slicker or bristle cat brush to comb it. However, if yours is long-haired, use a wide-toothed comb. You may also invest in a grooming glove to gently remove loose hair and massage the cat.

7. Check for Fleas and Ticks

Ticks and fleas attack most cats. To check for the availability of the parasites, touch the pet’s skin to feel if there are any abnormal bumps. If you find some, they could be ticks lodged in the skin.

After confirming the availability of ticks, use tweezers to pull them out and then clean the cat’s skin. On the other hand, you can tell if your cat has some fleas by spotting some black specks on the skin. Take the cat to the vet for confirmation and prescription the proper flea treatment such as spray or shampoo if you find some.

In Summary

With the above tips, you are ready to groom your cat in the best manner possible, leaving your pet feeling happy and healthy.