living in edinburgh

It would be impossible to think of anyone who would not want to live in this utterly charming city. Living in Edinburgh is a treasured experience thanks to its beautiful setting below the ancient castle, its streets filled with history and character, and its elegant, sweeping Georgian architecture. You can also enjoy great shopping, incredible nightlife, and a lively arts scene. You might never want to leave if you find some great dining establishments.

Edinburgh is filled with attractions such as the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh Castle, several universities, including the University of Edinburgh, and much more. Edinburgh’s intimate atmosphere is one of the things that makes it unique. I especially like its suburban areas, which feel more like a small town than a sprawling metropolis. There are a lot of central areas that are close to one another, and the city is easy to navigate on foot. Edinburgh, as the capital, is in many ways the pride of Scotland, and her residents are proud of it too. It makes them feel proud to live there and even more proud if they were born there.

There is charm, grace, and intrigue everywhere you turn in Edinburgh. Here are some of the things you should know before living in Edinburgh.

What’s it like to reside in Edinburgh?

With its stunning old buildings, it has a romantic side. When you first arrive here, you will adore all the things to do, but when you have a household here, you will appreciate everything Edinburgh has had to provide.

Living in Edinburgh

1. Tourist attractions.

Edinburgh is very popular with visitors from all around the world, as you might expect. Anyone living in Edinburgh cannot overlook this fact, especially during the annual Edinburgh Festival Fringe. These two events occur in August when Edinburgh is teeming with people. There is a constant flow of people from the rooms around the city that are used for stand-up shows or am-dram performances. For love or money, you cannot reserve a last-minute hotel room.

Before you move to Edinburgh, learn what everyone loves about this city. You can find a suggested two-day itinerary for Edinburgh if you haven’t been here much before. You’ll discover what everyone’s looking forward to seeing and why certain parts of town are always crowded during peak season.

2. Auld Reekie

The Scottish capital by which a well-known nickname knows it. Old Reekie is the most commonly used alternative moniker. It means “Old Smelly.” Named after a foul-smelling loch that used to be located where Princes Street Gardens are today in Reekie city. When you include pollution caused by the residents’ coal fires and chimneys from the factories, it’s easy to see where the name comes from.

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3. Food

The city of Edinburgh is a rather sophisticated place – not the kind of place you’d expect to find deep-fried Mars bars. The menus are prepared by some of Britain’s finest chefs in Michelin-starred restaurants. As part of his service to both Scottish, and Italian relations and the Scottish food industry, Valvona and Crolla, a classic Italian delicatessen from the 1930s, was awarded an OBE in 2020.

It is an Edinburgh institution and a national treasure, located in Elm Row, close to New Town and the city center. Additionally, there is a café and a food store. In Edinburgh, shortbread and scones are ubiquitous. The Edinburgh Rock, however, is a tourist attraction.

4. People

Edinburg hers have a reputation for being a bit too proud of itself and its city. This is quite understandable, in my opinion. There are very few cities like Edinburgh. It’s a city that manages to be both big and cozy simultaneously. The city is steeped in history and allegedly haunted, but it is also at the forefront of scientific, social, and medical research. There are many contrasts in this city, and it is many things for many people.

5. Language

There’s no way to lie. The dialect of Edinburgh can be difficult to understand. And that’s coming from someone who grew up just south of the Scottish border. You can get a sense of what we mean if you read “Trainspotting,” the book, not the film. You’ll understand what I mean if you read Irvine Welsh’s novel.

6. Climate

It is a drawback to live in Edinburgh, or, for that matter, to live in the United Kingdom in general, that the weather isn’t always great. The summers are generally short in Edinburgh, but there are some pleasant sunny days. In August, the average high temperature is 19 degrees, although it can reach as high as 20 degrees on rare occasions.

While it can seem like winter lasts forever, it’s usually not too cold to go out, there may even be snow on occasion (which looks spectacular!), but it’s not guaranteed every year. An average low temperature of one degree is recorded in January and an average high temperature of six degrees.

Edinburgh’s northerly position means that its days are short in the winter and long in the summer. Sunrises at 8:40 am and sets at 3:40 pm on the day of the winter solstice, November 21. The summer solstice occurs on June 21, when the sun rises at 4:26 am and sets at 10 pm. Throughout the year, it rains a lot in Edinburgh, so make sure you’re well equipped with an umbrella and rain jacket.

Cost of living in Edinburgh

Edinburgh is a relatively expensive city, but it is cheaper than London. Here are some expected costs:

  • Rent a one-bedroom apartment costs between £650 and £1000 a month. Of course, the cost of extra bedrooms will increase, but renting a 2 or 3 bedroom flat and sharing it may be more affordable.
  • Council tax must be paid in the UK unless you qualify for an exemption (for example, if you’re a student). It will cost at least £75 per month (per household, so you will split this with whoever lives with you).
  • Rent usually does not include utilities.
  • A meal out at a cheap restaurant will cost between £10 and £15 per person. Price may vary depending on the restaurant.
  • You can expect to pay £3-£5 for a beer in a pub or bar.
  • A single bus journey costs £1.60, and a day pass costs £4.

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